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Valentine's Date- as promised!

This date was in the planning phase since we started this date night DIY adventure a few

dates ago. It also happened to be Travis's favorite so far I think- especially the Paczki's (raspberry filled of course, and a Mardi Gras must-have)!

One of my favorite parts of all these dates has been my husband's willingness to try new things. I never would have imagined he would humor me by wearing a glittery mask and Mardi Gras beads. It means a lot to me that he is willing to step out of his comfort zone and do things he wouldn't normally be caught dead doing. I think that's one important guideline we have for these dates: be vulnerable. Try new things. There is something about being willing to look silly in front of each other that creates a bonding experience.

We also did some things that were out of character for me. I usually am not a big gamer. I don't know if it's just that I am lazy or that my overly competitive nature makes the thought of losing cause too much anxiety, but I do not enjoy playing games. I would much rather watch. However, this time we played not one, but 3 games! And you know what? I had fun (and totally destroyed my husband in 2 out of 3 of the games!).

One game in particular Colorfox, we played over and over (literally could not stop playing, and stayed up so late that getting up for work in the morning was a challenge!). I initially picked this game up because (a.) it was on clearance for 75% off an was only $3.75 and (b.) being that the game looked like a box of matches, for some reason I thought there would be an actual match burning component to the game. Not sure why this was so interesting to me as I am usually scared of fire, nevertheless I was a little a bummed to learn there were no actual matches included in the game.

We are now on the lookout for the other games in the matchbox games series. Meijer had 2 others on clearance with Colorfox, and I am not kicking myself for not picking them up at the same time, because they were gone when Travis went to look for them the next day.

The other 2 games we played weren't nearly as exciting. One was just a children's leap from game I picked up at the dollar tree where you try to flip these little frogs into a plastic pond. Avery like the frogs, so she played with it for a long time when I was setting things up. We also played a fun game of Concentration (aka Memory) using the most adorable and cheesy Valentine's cards

Are you creating any DIY date nights at home for you and your partner? Or have you tried any of the things we have done? I would love to hear your stories! Please email me or comment on the posts.

Thanks again for following along!

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