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Pi Day!

In case you weren't aware, yesterday was Pi Day! The celebration of the irrational constant that helps us with all things circular. Why yesterday? Because it was 3.14- the first 3 digits of Pi. Coincidentally it was also Albert Einstein's birthday, and Stephen Hawking passed away.

We celebrated the circle and the number Pi- out to the 8th digit- with two different crafts. Yes, once again I picked up my supplies at the Dollar Tree.

Do you remember Spirographs? I am not sure of their origin, but they were huge in the 90's! I had a Spirograph with all sorts of shapes to make the fun Mandala looking designs. It was a lucky find to see these at the dollar tree, and I couldn't pass on

picking up one for each of us.

We also made Pi bracelets- which was not an original idea of mine, but I found here. Avery

has thoroughly enjoyed playing with the bracelets today as she runs around the house yelling "bress etts! More bress etts?"

To be honest the bracelets were just something to pass the time, while we waited on the main event of the evening. Yes, I am talking about dessert!

Aside from being huge nerds, we couldn't pass up a day to also celebrate Pi's homophone, pie! When I was hunting for date night ideas- before I even thought of doing a Pi Day date night- I found some recipes for the most adorable mason jar lid pies. There are many recipes out there, but I will share with you what we did, because it was easy and delicious, and you could probably do it with ingredients you already have today.

Ingredients needed are:

-Mason Jar lids

-Crescent Roll dough

-Granulated Sugar


-Pie filling or Jam/Jelly/Fruit spread

-Dusting of Flour

First roll out crescent roll dough to make one flat sheet. You will need to use flour to make sure it doesn't stick.

Punch out circles (2 for each lid) from the crescent dough- these will be the top and bottom crust for each pie.

Prepare cookie sheet or pan you will use for baking, by lining with parchment paper- helps with clean up! Place each jar lid on the parchment paper and leave there while doing prep (if you miss this step, you might be sorry and there might be pie all over your table or the floor when you go to transfer to the baking sheet).

Shape bottom crust for each lid so it covers the inside of each lid and folds up the sides to meet the top crust.

Spoon desired amount of pie filling/jam/jelly/fruit spread into each pie. Be careful not to over fill, or you will have a huge mess inside your oven.

Place top crust onto each pie and seal all edges. Then brush milk on the top of each pie and sprinkle desired amount of granulated sugar.

Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes. Let cool (duh! they will be extremely hot inside!) and enjoy!

I know, not a lot of depth to the date. No real talking points, but baking always brings people together!

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