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The Budget Friendly Date

Ok, really all of these dates are pretty budget friendly, but this one you can seriously do without spending any money at all. Also, very little prep work was involved. Literally the only thing I did beforehand was brew a pot of coffee. Hardly any planning was involved and everything was thrown together last minute. That's why I am introducing this as the first (in a series, I can assume) Pop-Up Date.

Yes, I sent this text invitation to my husband at 4:00pm the day of our date. And he never looked at the date or time, so he was still surprised when I was ready for date night after putting our daughter to bed.

This date was as simple as the title sounds. A pop up café for art. Featuring coffeehouse music from one of our television provider's music stations, coconut dark chocolate biscotti, diy caramel lattes, and making art. I broke our no media rule and we actually used our computer during the whole date.

As always, Pinterest is my best friend when planning and executing these date nights. We started with this pin and kept going by scrolling down to "more like this" to see more step by step tutorials. A good search you could do, if you aren't finding things you want to draw, is "How to Draw for Kids". Not only were the tutorials simple and easy for us to follow, but our daughter has enjoyed coloring the familiar animals and characters drawn by her Momma and Daddy, which has been a fun change up from the food covered, dog-eared pages of her coloring books, which honestly have taken a huge beating.

We did color a few of the pictures we drew and I will share the best ones with you below. I discovered that my husband actually has a skill at drawing cartoons and I was pretty impressed. I never gave him much credit for being artistic, but he's actually pretty talented!

And yes, there was no date night last week. We did spend good, quality time together as a family, but we've been exhausted and a formal date night just never happened. After a week of early bed times and reinstituting a joint "quiet time" spent reading and praying, we are rejuvenated and I hope to get back to date nights again this week.

Since this date was so simple, I want to challenge you and your spouse to have a Pop-Up art café too! I want to see your art! I want to hear your stories of how date night at home brought you together as a couple! Email me or comment below when you have completed this challenge.

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